Saturday, January 4, 2014

I Are They; They is Me

The snowbirds have landed.

And I really hesitate to complain about it too much. After all, they are me; I am them. Snowbirds = Bill and Kris. Nana and Papa = Arizona Winter Visitors. There you have it.

Apparently, many of the winter visitors (that’s what they kindly and in a wholly Christian manner called snowbirds at All Saints Catholic Church on Sunday as they welcome us back) arrive on or immediately after Christmas, just as Bill and I. And, again, just as Bill and me, they wait until after New Year’s Day to make their way to Costco and Walmart to fill up their larders and pantries. (See, I’m displaying my “nana-ness” by using the word “larder.”)

While many of you haven’t visited the east Mesa Costco store, just imagine any Costco store in the United States. In particular, picture the enormous parking lots at every single store. Now imagine that you drive in and there is not a single, solitary place to park. Not even when you are willing to park at the very back of the parking lot. No room at the inn. Just like Mary and Joseph. We parked on the street where there were still a few spaces, somewhere around a mile-and-a-half from the front door! If we hadn’t had some Very Important Medication-Related Business, we would have left for another less-busy day.

While Bill took care of his Very Important Business, I attempted to peruse the books to no avail. Couldn’t even get close. So I put a couple of items in my basket – paper towels and Kleenex – and made my way to the check-out stands. Predictably, the lines ran clear back into the store, ending somewhere around the frozen foods. I have never seen the lines so long. Now, I never cease to be impressed with how quickly Costco checkers can get people through the lines. Nevertheless, I simply didn’t have it in me to stand in such a long line simply to be able to blow my nose and wipe off my counters. Both could wait. I abandoned my cart, and we left for Walmart, which we naively thought would be better.


And let me just tell you, the Walmart shoppers are just flat-out mean. Perhaps they were all just cranky because they had come from Costco. The problem was, just like the rest of the “winter visitors,” I really did need to fill up my larder and pantry, and by that time I had realized that there wasn’t going to be a store in the East Valley that was going to be any better. And my nose was running.

We laughed about it after we got home. As I said earlier, how can I complain? They are us. I just move a bit faster than many. And it is worth it because I spent much of yesterday reading outside and had all my doors and windows open to let in the warm 73 degree air. The forecast for the week ahead is much the same.

I will learn patience and will soon stop complaining. I hope.

Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Here is an idea from a sporadic winter visitor. Shop Costco and Walmart immediately following Christmas next year. Mag and I shopped there on the 26th and it was quiet. As I'm sitting in CO watching it snow and the temp drop I'm envying "winter visitors" immensely!
