Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jabba the Hut Meets the Energizer Bunny (and guess which one I am)

So, the cold which has been playing around with me for the past few days finally caught up with me. I awoke yesterday morning with a sore throat and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I’m really pretty hearty, but this one kind of knocked me on my behind.

So, I pretty much sat in my recliner chair in the family room and watched television all day. Let’s
see, I watched three or four recorded Pioneer Woman shows (including one in which she made a yummy looking chicken Florentine in sixteen minutes), two episodes of Foyle’s War (my newest Masterpiece Theater obsession), an episode of Cedar Cove to meet my heightened need for romance in my weakened state, the Dancing With the Stars that we had recorded Monday night because we were watching our Denver Broncos TROUNCE the Oakland Raiders, an episode of Call the Midwife (my other new PBS obsession), and back to Food Network to watch Jamie Deen’s Home for Dinner. Count it out. It adds up to about nine hours of sitting on my rear end in my pajamas watching television. I did get up around noon and eat some canned chicken noodle soup.

While I was masquerading as a giant blob, my husband was working on his remodel project. He was busily sanding, hammering, painting, and cleaning paintbrushes. In between home improvement projects he was emptying mouse traps, paying the bills for which he is responsible, and getting the garbage cans out for the collectors to pick up.

The pinnacle was tonight, around 10, as we were heading up the stairs (my legs were weak from having not been used all day), he says to me, “Do you mind if I put up some shelves in my office tonight?” Ten o’clock at night and he is going to put up shelving. That’s what he’s doing right now. The man is the Energizer Bunny.

That, of course, makes me Jabba the Hut.

And, because I was sick, here is my soup recipe of the day:

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