Come gather 'round peopleWherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.
-Bob Dylan
Well, those lyrics are a much too dramatic for the change I’m telling you about in this post, but those lyrics just give me goosebumps. Things really did change in the 60s and 70s, no question about it. Baby boomers were growing up and changing the world.
Anyhoo, I want to tell you about an exciting change in my blog.
Nana’s Whimsies is moving to a new platform, with a slightly different address. I gave Blogger everything I could, but I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted it to do for me. Perhaps it was user error on my part, but in the end it doesn’t matter. It had problems. The most significant issue was that some of you could comment, but many, many of you were unable to do so. I don’t know why. My friend and new web designer Will tells me it might have something to do with third-party cookies. Friends, the only cookies I care a hoot about are those that have sugar and flour and butter and chocolate chips or peanut butter or cinnamon sugar. Those I understand. The kind of cookies that keep you from communicating with me – no clue, no desire to get a clue.
I love blogging. Truly I do. I love to write, and I love to share my quirky life with friends, old and new. I have been taking baby steps because I needed to know if I really had the commitment it takes to blog. I wasn’t sure if 1) I was disciplined enough to sit down and write every day, and 2) If enough happened to me to write about.
I have found that I LOVE to sit down and write. It makes me happy and stretches my brain. And while not a lot of exciting things happen in my quiet and simple life, I always have something to say. Being the owner and publisher of a blog has helped me to look at life in a different way, and that’s a good thing.
So I’m going all in. My old blog – – will be going away. I have obtained my own domain name – – and I will be operating from that platform. I’m serious about blogging, and I’m serious about being able to communicate with the people who read my blog. I’m also serious – very serious – about building my readership. You all can help me with this process. Tell your friends. Share me on Facebook. Help me get the word out about my blog. And communicate with me. Respond to what I say and give me ideas about what to blog.
This will be a work in progress. For a period of time, I will likely run both platforms until I’m fully satisfied that my new domain is working just fine. Please, please try to comment on the new site. I want to hear from you. I want to know who is reading my blog. I continue to fear my two sisters are my only readers and they only read it because otherwise I will glare at them at our next family function. Or tell Mom.
New address:
That’s it. Simple, huh?
See you at nanaswhimsies!
One word about the Broncos….
I am happy we made it to the Super Bowl. Only two teams do that each year, and we were one of the two. Yay for us. However, I’m sad for Peyton Manning because I know he wanted to put this one in the win file and bring home a ring. Many of us understand sibling rivalry, and you KNOW Eli sits around the dinner table with a ring on two of his fingers and allows the light to reflect off them into Peyton’s eyes and says, “Oh Peyton, is the light off my ringSSSSS bothering you?”
It would have been fun if the Broncos had made it a good game, but que sera sera. And there’s always next year. And I love my Denver Broncos!
Every year I'm sad when football season is over. It’s a long time until preseason. But at least we have something to look forward to this year. On to the Olympics!
Archie would never allow Eli to do that at the dinner table!